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Links and things I find interesting...

Below you'll find links to automata artists that inspire me, and various useful sites that have helped me polish my craft a little more over the years.


Tamaya Shobei IX

I recently had the once in a lifetime experience of meeting Tamaya Shobei the Ninth. An amazing karakuri artisan and kind and generous gentleman. I was asked to participate in a Japanese Tokyo-TV show 'Who Wants to Go To Japan?' that aired July 20th, 2017. I spent nearly a whole week with Tamaya-san, and was treated to viewing many classic karakuri designs, including two national treasures. The TV program mannaged to arrange some amazing experiences for me, and I can be confident in saying I've become freinds with Tamaya-san.

I will add a page chronicling my experiences and what I learned (lots!) in the near future.


Here's Tamaya-san posing with one of his re-creations, and also with my modest attempt at an Archer on the right! 

Tamaya Shobei"s website can be found here:

Here's the show -

Paul Spooner

Paul is one of my favourite automata artists. I love his sence of humor and the whimsy of his contraptions. He fits a lot of charm into a small place! Below is a youtube vid just realeased for an exhibit of his work showing in SanFransisco. 

Keith Newstead

Another big inspiration is Keith Newstead. His work is maybe not as 'dark' as Paul's, but much fun as well!

Website here:

Dug North

Dug is another great automata artist who has a fantastic website and blog. You'll find current news and various interesting finds here

Website here:

My Japanese Lantern Shop

Support my artistic endeavours and bring beautiful craftsmanship into your home


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